Uncle spent a month with the Samsung Galaxy Fold 5 and is pretty enamoured with it. Did it trigger a midlife crisis?

We persuaded him otherwise but our mysterious Uncle Influencer was adamant about using this pseudonym – he’s too young to be called an ‘uncle’, but we’d certainly agree that he’s an old soul. Also a seasoned hand in the media circle, our favourite uncle offers perspectives that are a perfect reflection of the world he lives in – fast-paced with little time to waste, because he has a kid and furkid in tow. Adulting is hard indeed. Uncle influencer still loves his tech toys but life has shaped him to have little patience for excesses and frivolity. “Mr Reality Check” would have been perfect, but oh well.
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Resident uncle forced to exercise for a LG Tone Free Fit 8 vs Sony Float Run vs Creative Outlier Pro shootout.
Uncle likes trying earbuds when he’s “pounding meat in the kitchen” (he cooks). What does he think of LG’s TF8?
Our resident ‘unker’ tries to make sense of new-fangled audio tech from Sony.
After a long hiatus, our very self-proclaimed Uncle Influencer tries out Samsung’s top-of-the-line tablet-slash-laptop. Will it blow his mind? Or his wallet? Or both?
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