Canon’s HITS provides an easy way to handle check-ins

Great if you have a small biz: Complete the whole process of checking in taking temperature in six seconds.

by Justin Choo

Need a simple all-in-one check-in solution for your retail space? Canon is launching a mobile Handheld Integrated Temperature System (HITS) that might just be perfect for you.

Because it’s handheld, it’s easy to screen temperature and facilitate check-ins and check-outs for Safe Entry – you can sort everything out within six seconds. Say goodbye to awkward situations like static QR code posters that are way too far and the like.

The device is effectively an infrared thermometer and a barcode scanner rolled into one and comes with built-in memory to store visitors’ identity data. It only logs the last four digits as a compromise to allay personal data protection fears, and yet record just enough useful data for the authorities to carry out their tracing work if, touchwood, the unthinkable happens.

Fairly compact, this all-in-one device weighs only 250g. Image: Canon

Fairly compact, this all-in-one device weighs only 250g. Image: Canon

Not only does the device scan TraceTogether tokens, but it can also scan digital and physical NRICs and generate QR codes for visitors using the TraceTogether app. It weighs only 250g so essentially one person can handle the entire check-in process easily.

Interestingly, it’s not a Canon-branded product but a third-party solution that they are distributing locally. If you find the HITS useful for your organisation, it retails for $1,000 and is available through .